Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Small Child... A Big Loss

As many of you already know, we lost a child this last week. He/she was definitely loved by everyone we knew. I am glad God gave us this child and I know He will use this experience for His perfect will. God is so good and gracious towards us. We deserve nothing and He gives us everything. Even in times of trial, God proves good. Yes...even better.

It is a hard trial but we can put our hope in God. I thank Him for allowing me to know Him. I have already learned so much from this experience and have made stronger relationships. God is in control. And He has planned this day from even before time began. Hearing the news at the tournament was good for me and my other siblings because we had so many strong Christian friends there. God is always good and continually proves His faithfulness to us.

I want to thank all those who have prayed and have been so kind to our family. There are too many names to say but thank you. Word is spreading fast and God will use this child in a huge way. We might not have wanted it this way. We probably would have chosen that the baby be born fine and healthy. We may have wanted it alive. We may have wanted to hold, feed, and play with this small gift from God. But He knows what is best and He will do what is best.

Thank You God. Thank You for Your love. Let the little children run to You.

-David Kruse-
January 26 2009

1 comment:

Heidi Chaffee said...

Amen. I am praying for your families. God is using this pain to bring blessing even though you may not see it. He is always in control and always does what is best. - Heidi