Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Makers Hand at Work

The past weekend has been a roller coaster of emotions. Many of my cousins and family has made it to regionals. After we found out who broke to the finals we found out that my soon be cousin has past away. Once I heard the news I felt I came to the end of my rope unable to tie a knot and hang on. I had no idea what to do but walk around the building several times before I let my friends comfort me and I tried to comfort my cousins. This has been a great example of Gods immance. I thank God that He let us receive the news with all our friends there to be as one family.  A couple minutes after we found out the apologetics rounds started and I went into a round to get away from all that grief in hopes that it would be a misunderstanding, but it was Tait Deems who talked on the subject of God's Sovereignty. He based it all on what happened and that God was in control. Then I knew it was God who sent the child to prove his sovereignty and why did I question God's plain, He who knows the way that everything will come to. Now it is in covenant with God because God sent His Son to die for us. I was surrounded by God's glory and that the baby was dancing before God and aunt Jodi who was the mother of the child was in complete satisfaction of God being with the child instead of herself. Then I knew it was true and I watched the duo's and became joyful only because the baby was safe with the King of Kings the same King who conquered death.

Keep the Kruses in your prayers.

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